About Eileen

Hi, I’m Eileen Jones!
I am a Colorado-based Christian healing coach specializing in emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. My practice teaches other emotionally wounded Christian moms how to conquer chronic sickness & frustration. By providing researched systems that usher in freedom and harmony, we disrupt the lie that it’s too late to fix the damage that’s been done. Find and release your hidden trauma.
I’m a mom of 7 who did not know why life seemed so hard. I thought I had a pretty decent childhood. I couldn’t put my finger on the reason why it was so hard to be a good, patient mom. Why did I feel so useless, alone, and depressed?
Anything I could think of… I tried. Years of counseling, medications, countless Bible studies and deliverance ministries, and earned training certifications and leadership titles from over 20 different ministries. I had started feeling more stable, more capable of feeling joy. But it wasn’t until God gave me a direct connection between ALL of the ministries I was trained in that the pieces for my own healing started to fall into place! Every one of these ministries had one piece, but not one gave me every piece, let alone telling me my next steps!
As He showed me the answers step by step, I started to share them with others, and Anointed to Soar Facilitator Training was born!

My Family!